February 4, 2009

Wii Fit (Day 2 in a Row)

Time: 30min
Weight: 146lbs
Wii Fit Age: 30 (silly! yesterday was 20!)

I worked out two days in a row go me! I figured out a new way to challenge myself to make it interesting again. Im focusing on yoga. I complete a row at a time of yoga work outs, along with the suggested strength training exercise. It takes about 20minutes, then I move along to aerobics/balance exercises to complete a 25-30min work out. Only one more row of yoga to go-and then I will do the same thing-with strength training.

Today I also plan to grocery shop-fruit fruit fruit!

*On a side note-I realized Ive lost about 8lbs since December, I dont even remember being that heavy but according to my Wii graph I was. Which kinda makes since cause my clothes feel like I have lost weight-it just hasnt been that apparent on the Wii-probably cause I have been pretty steady for the last few weeks.* On to the next 8lbs!*

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